Friday, September 17, 2010

Day Twenty-Nine: fairy land!

Hey guys! Look! Two days in a row!

This is what I did today. My bedroom initially looked like this.

A few years ago I went to my cousin's house nearby to Christmas, and she had taken silver tree balls and tied fishing wire to them and then stuck them in the ceiling, so the whole place looked like a fairy land! I loved that room. I would lie on the floor and gaze at the ceiling. When I got home, I bought some tiny purple tree balls and some fishing wire, but then I didn't do anything with them because I am lazy.

But then I did this!

Turns out I didn't get enough for my whole room.

When I lie in my bed at night this is what I gaze at:

I promise you it looks better than these pictures. I am so excited!

Day Twenty-Nine Highlights: now I live in a fairy land.

Day Twenty-Nine Lowlights: waiting so long to do this, not having enough to do my whole room.

Tomorrow: probably some other pictures of my new hometown!

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